
Silver Cow Trough For Gardening

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: Hydrangea Harmony of Colors await you in 2022

A new look at Hydrangea Harmony of Colors may be just what you need as you plan your garden for 2022. You'll see that it not only adds beauty to the landscape, it energizes and excites you and suddenly everything you do in the garden seems fun.

You probably have heard about basic colors schemes like monochromaticism, blends of similar colors, ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: AquaPots elegantly eliminate cool season container anxieties

Container gardening through the winter is one of the great joys of living in the South. The new AquaPots have eliminated the last of the anxieties — watering and feeding. We all are used to watering and applying fertilizer in the summer, but it has been somewhat of a mystery or roll of the dice in the winter.

We've been taught to give water...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: These azalea are Perfecto Mundo in your landscape

Mid-October and 44 degrees sent me out into the landscape to scout for camellia blossoms, but instead I was mesmerized by the azalea flowers. My front yard is about a half-acre, requiring an adventure with a slope, so I am often failing to do due diligence not only with maintenance but photography, too.

I don't know what surprised me the most...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: ColorBlaze Coleus offers easy color scheme companions

ColorBlaze El Brighto Coleus will make its debut in 2022, and make no mistake about it, award-winning color scheme opportunities await as you select your flower partners. At the Young's Plant Farm 2021 Garden Tour in Auburn, Alabama this summer it made a memorable impression on The Garden Guy.

The last 30 years I have fancied myself as a guru...Read more

James Winter//TNS

On Gardening: Picasso in Purple is one special Supertunia

Naming a petunia "Picasso" gives clear indication this plant is something special. That is precisely what I thought the first time I saw Supertunia Picasso in Purple in plant trials. I actually felt a little intimidated as I started thinking what would I do with this beautiful flower in containers or in the landscape.

Oddly, my opportunity came...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: Perennials to add dazzle to your cool season containers

Perennials for cool season containers may seem like the proverbial horticultural oxymoron, but that is exactly what I have been planting the last few days in my zone 8a landscape. My favorite pansy pals are Goldilocks lysimachia, Lemon Coral sedum, Ogon Japanese sweet flag and Burgundy Glow ajuga.

The kicker is I'm not planting pansies yet, ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS/TNS

On Gardening: Luscious Royale Cosmo is a lantana with universal appeal

Choosing to name a variety of lantana "Cosmo" may seem quite strange. While there are numerous definitions of the word cosmo, it largely means a peaceful and harmonious system and/or universe. So let's apply that definition to the award-winning Luscious Royale Cosmo lantana.

If you asked me if you could use this lantana in a monochromatic ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS

On Gardening: Panicle hydrangea partners only limited by your imagination

Panicle hydrangeas, or Hydrangea paniculata varieties, have skyrocketed in popularity, largely thanks to producers that have given us more varieties than we could have ever imagined. The Garden Guy is here to tell you the panicle partnerships for the landscape are only limited by your imagination.

If you find yourself asking "What panicle ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS

On Gardening: Luscious Citron lantana soft-pedals yellow into your heart

When I was asked to trial the new Luscious Citron lantana my first thought was: Why in the world do we need another yellow lantana? But six months later, I know the answer. It has to do with butterflies. I'll get to that in a minute.

Let's start by looking at the color orange. There is a huge group of gardeners that think orange is too ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS

On Gardening: Soprano impatiens will be a performance to your shade garden

The biggest surprise in The Garden Guy's testing this year comes courtesy of the Soprano impatiens. I cannot remember the last time I planted what we call bedding impatiens. I sure I had dark hair and was still helping children with homework. All I can say is, holy wow.

If you have forgotten about impatiens, these plants will give ...Read more

Norman Winter/TNS

On Gardening: Blazing Boldly geraniums make August magic

The Garden Guy is boldly going into August with geraniums blazing. I could also say I am going into August with Boldly geraniums blazing. It wasn't too long ago that August and geraniums in the South would have been the definition of a garden oxymoron. Boldly geraniums have changed all that.

You might be wondering how that could have happened...Read more

Silver Cow Trough For Gardening


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